Designing AI: Working groups of the Plattform Lernende Systeme present their thematic priorities
Germany wants to become a leading supplier of learning systems and aims to make the use of artificial intelligence (AI) open, transparent and beneficial to society. The Plattform Lernende Systeme links experts from industry and science across sectors and disciplines to achieve this aim. The heads of the platform’s seven working groups presented the priority topics of their work programmes at a meeting in Berlin on January 8.

“The working groups are applying their expertise to consolidate and expand on the existing knowledge in the area of learning systems, thus laying the groundwork for successful applications with the “Made in Germany” label. The goal of the platform is to shape the development and use of AI in Germany for the benefit of ordinary people”, said Mr Wolf-Dieter Lukas, Director-General at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), at the opening of the workshop in Berlin.
The seven interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral working groups will explore technological, economic and societal issues related to the development and utilization of learning systems. The results of their work will be publicized in the form of application scenarios, recommendations, guidance documents and roadmaps and discussed with other stakeholders in society.
At their first meeting, the heads of the working groups presented the preliminary topics which they will be examining in detail with the members of their respective groups:
- The working group Technological Enablers and Data Science, headed by Ms Katharina Morik and Mr Volker Markl, analyses the strengths and weaknesses of German AI research to determine what action is needed for the purposes of training and future research. The group plans to make a contribution to the Stanford AI Index.
- The working group Future of Work and Human-Machine Interaction, headed by Ms Elisabeth André and Mr Wilhelm Bauer, investigates how learning systems are changing the world of work and how to shape “good”, people-focused cooperation.
- The working group IT Security, Privacy, Legal and Ethical Framework, headed by Mr Jörn Müller-Quade and Mr Eric Hilgendorf, focuses on liability issues, data privacy protection and non-discrimination. It also examines the risks and chances which learning systems offer in the area of IT security.
- The working group Business Model Innovations, headed by Ms Susanne Boll-Westermann and Mr Uwe Riss, analyses the new business models, new forms of value creation and new business and customer relations generated by the use of learning systems.
- The working group Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems, headed by Mr Christoph Peylo and Mr Tobias Hesse, investigates how learning systems can be used to make individual modes of transport more networked, safer and more secure and more comfortable.
- The working group Health Care, Medical Technology, Care, headed by Mr Klemens Budde, deals with the opportunities which smart patient data and the use of digital assistance systems can provide. It also addresses questions of technology acceptance and data protection.
- The working group Hostile-to-life Environments, headed by Mr Jürgen Beyerer and Mr Frank Kirchner, focuses on the requirements for the application of learning systems which operate under extreme
The working groups meet on a regular basis to ensure a holistic approach to the work in their respective areas. The first meeting of the heads of the working groups already revealed that there are many cross-cutting issues in the core work areas of the respective groups. These issues will be developed in particular in the context of efforts to draw up joint application scenarios. The platform also aims to network with other similar initiatives such as Plattform Industrie 4.0.
About Plattform Lernende Systeme
Plattform Lernende Systeme is a project of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and brings together experts from science, industry, government and civil society in an exchange on artificial intelligence. Its working groups develop options for action and recommendations on the responsible use of learning systems. The aim of the platform is to act as an independent broker to promote societal dialogue, encourage cooperation in research and development, and to position Germany as a leading supplier of technology in the field of learning systems. The platform’s steering committee is chaired by Federal Minister Johanna Wanka (BMBF) and Mr Dieter Spath (President, acatech).
Further information:
Linda Treugut / Birgit Obermeier
Press and Public Relations
Lernende Systeme – The Platform for Artificial Intelligence
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